Deductible Buy-Back Facility (US Risks)

Our specialist in-house Deductible Buy-Back facility is designed to reduce deductibles to a manageable level on all Catastrophe exposures as well as All Other Perils (OAP) risks.
Key points:
- Covered Perils: Named Wind, Wind, Hail, Flood, Earthquake, AOP
- Facility limit: US$5,000,000 per occurrence – with higher limits available through Bridge Specialty International in the open market
- Includes coverage for Tier 1 exposures
- Coverage for Builders’ Risk including multi-year periods
- Catastrophe peril buy down on a per occurrence basis with no aggregation
- Flexibility on minimum premium
- 100% Lloyd’s capacity
- 24-hour turnaround time
To secure competitive terms please provide the following information:
- Schedule of locations with full address details
- Construction of buildings and roofs including age and year of any updates
- Full 5-year ground up loss record (including historical deductibles applicable)
- Flood zone with elevation details, if applicable
- Deductible buy down requirements
Contact us
Our experienced team is here to help you, providing tailored solutions for the most challenging insurance needs. Contact our team for more information.