Cargo & Stockthroughput

Our specialised and experienced Marine Cargo team focus on handling Cargo and Stockthroughput placements across the globe, partnered with Lloyds and company insurance markets.

A Stockthroughput policy is designed for importers, distributers, manufacturers, or exporters of goods.
A Stockthroughput policy provides coverage for goods throughout its journey in the supply chain. From imports of raw materials, goods being manufactured and whilst in store at warehouses, prior to being exported or distributed to their final destination.
We can consider all types of goods, from food and beverages, chemicals, clothing, pharmaceuticals and more.
In addition to General Cargo and Stockthroughput, we can provide:
- Stock only and excess stock cover
- Project Cargo and Delay in Start-up / Advance Loss of Profits
- Warehouse Legal Liability
- Freight Forwarders Cover
- Shippers’ Interest Cover
- Cash in Transit / General Specie / Fine Art / Jewellers Block
- Contractors Equipment / Oil Field Equipment
Contact us
Our experienced team is here to help you, providing tailored solutions for the most challenging insurance needs. Contact our team for more information.