Reinsurance Treaty & Facultative

Our Reinsurance team is recognised for its expertise and experience in all forms of reinsurance, from traditional treaty to bespoke alternative reinsurance solutions. The specialist team develops strong relationships with our client partners with a relentless drive to provide the very best solutions for our clients.
The dedicated team handles all classes and types of reinsurance and can assist with all forms of Marine, Energy, Non-Marine and Casualty & Motor reinsurance. Our extensive experience and resources enable us to review, structure/restructure, quote and place Proportional and Non-Proportional reinsurance protections. From the most suitable markets we source the best possible rates and coverage for our clients’ individual needs ensuring high quality reinsurance security both here in London and across the world.
All our reinsurance solutions are tailor-made to our clients’ needs, and we deliver ongoing support throughout the policy period and beyond making us a strong, credible alternative to our peers.
- Quota Share, Surplus & Facultative Obligatory
Non – Proportional
- Per Risk and Catastrophe Excess of Loss
- Reporting Excess of Loss
- Retrocession Excess of Loss
- Second Retention Excess of Loss
- Frequency Excess of Loss Cover
- Stop Loss and Aggregate Excess of Loss
- Reinsurance Facilities
- Reinstatement Premium Protection
- Deductible Buy-Down Cover
- Industry Loss Warranty
- Facultative (Quota Share and Excess)
- Structured Reinsurance Products
Business Classes include:
- Property
- Casualty including Motor (TPL & PD)
- Engineering
- Professional Liability (D&O, PI, E&O)
- Marine Hull and Yacht, including Liability
- Accident & Health, Life and Medical
- Marine Cargo and Specie
- General Accident
- Fine Art & Jewellers Block
- Political Violence, Terrorism, Cyber, War & SRCC
- Energy (Upstream, Midstream & Downstream)
- Bloodstock
- Multi-Class Whole Accounts
- Agriculture
Contact us
Our experienced team is here to help you, providing tailored solutions for the most challenging insurance needs. Contact our team for more information.